Professional Interested in the Arts

In this fast-paced world, it’s crucial to find ways to unleash your creativity without fear of repercussions. At Creative Veins, we’ve crafted a safe haven where you can freely explore your true self, away from societal expectations and conditioning. Our approach to teaching various creative crafts mirrors the Montessori philosophy, giving you the autonomy to choose what you want to work on and to what extent.

What sets us apart from other acting studios is our commitment to diversity, and inclusivity, and that the student is the most important. Not bookings, not mastering a particular technique, but self-actualization and being accepted as you are. We don’t aim to change your worldview to match ours; instead, we celebrate and respect your unique experiences and perspectives, even if they differ from our own. We believe that every individual’s subjective human experience is valuable, and by sharing our truths, we collectively move closer to a deeper understanding of the world.

Our vision of diversity isn’t about creating a superficial sameness; we genuinely value opposing viewpoints. In our community, we bring together people who may fundamentally disagree on various issues, yet we foster cooperation because we firmly believe that unity and collaboration make us stronger. We understand that there’s no single “normal” or “right” perspective; it’s about embracing a shared sense of purpose, building, and sharing together.

Explore your creative side and join a diverse, inclusive, and supportive community, Creative Veins is the perfect place for you. Come, embark on a journey of self-discovery and artistic expression with us. Your unique voice matters, and together, we can create something truly extraordinary. Join us and be a part of our vibrant, accepting, and enriching community today!

Training Memberships

Depending on your interest and availability we have several different programs for you to choose from. Members are free to attend any class they like as many times as they like depending on their level. You pay a monthly fee and then whenever you want to show up to class, you just have to reserve your spot at least 3 hours in advance. Also includes producer-level membership access to the Creative Veins Social Network, a vibrant online hub that brings together a diverse community of improvisers, comics, actors, filmmakers, and writers. The Creative Viens Social platform serves as a welcoming space for individuals to connect, socialize, and forge meaningful connections. Whether you’re looking to spark new projects, seek out like-minded peers, or simply share your creative journey, it’s more than just another social network; it’s a supportive and inspiring force within the Atlanta creative community, dedicated to cultivating opportunities and uniting the city’s artistic talents.

Level Price  

Budget Membership

Acting Product CategoryBudget membership includes access to one class a week. Budget membership gives you access to our online community, where you can network with other creatives.

$49.99 per Month.
