Atlanta Header

The Only Way to Learn Is By Doing

At Creative Veins, we’re not just another creative community – our focus is on doing and creating something every time you engage with us. We believe that true learning happens through hands-on experience, not just through endless exercises and lectures.

You don’t need to spend time getting good at a technique or take months of classes, or live up to a self-appointed expert’s idea of “good enough” to be able to start creating. You get good at doing by doing. Technique improves particular skills, it doesn’t create skill. You’ve been acting since before you could even speak, every day, you improvise, you make people laugh, you tell stories. Performing and creating are in our nature, it’s in all of us. And just like running, you already have the basics down. We’re here to help you hone those skills, to take your creativity to new heights.

At Creative Veins, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. We don’t believe in forcing everyone to start at the same level or move at the same pace. You won’t find rigid schedules or gatekeeping. Instead, we offer flexibility, freedom, and focus on our members. Train on your terms, whenever and as little wherever you like.

All of our classes meet 4 times a week, two morning sessions and two evening sessions. Each class is self-contained, so if you miss a class, you don’t have to start all over or worry about getting kicked out. Life doesn’t respect our plans, we’re all on different paths, moving at different speeds, things happen, and none of us knows how much time we’re going to have to dedicate to our passion week to week. We believe that creativity should never be confined by time or space or is something that can be scheduled.

Here, we celebrate the innate creativity within each and every one of us. We believe that everyone has the ability to act, to tell stories, to dream up new worlds. And with our guidance and support, you’ll tap into that potential like never before.

There is no one size fits all, no best, no right technique or studio. There is however one size that fits you, one that is the best for you, one technique that is the best for you. The only way to figure out if Creative Veins is right for you is to check out a free sample class today. Call or email to schedule a free creative workout.

Ready to take the next step on your creative journey? We’ve created a helpful guide to help you find the right school/program, even if it isn’t ours, that is right for you.

Acting Section Header

Emobdying characters, evoking emotions!

The captivating art of embodying diverse characters, channeling emotions, and telling compelling stories. A mesmerizing dance between truth and fiction, where creating characters helps you find yourself.

Improv Section Header

Spontaneous creativity, instant performance.

The electrifying art of instant creativity, where you’ll develop quick-wit and craft hilarious and unpredictable scenes on the spot. It’s a rollercoaster ride of laughter, where the only script is your imagination, and every moment is an unscripted masterpiece waiting to happen!

Screenwriting Section Header

Narrative magic, connecting hearts.

The timeless art of weaving words into captivating narratives that transport us to distant realms or deep into the human soul. The key to unlocking your imagination.

Stand-Up Section Header

Confidence, Wit, Resilience, Laughter

A hilarious high-wire act where you’ll learn how to be armed only with a microphone and your wit. Where shared experiences and laughter become the universal language.

Kids Classes Section Header

Expressive, Educational, Fun!

Foster your child’s creativity, imagination! Not only will our classes help your child be a better artist, they enhance your child’s cognitive, emotional, social, and problem-solving skills while at the same time building confidence and giving them a safe space for self-expression.

Why Choose Us?

We believe in leveraging our reputation to help our students succeed in their chosen craft throughout the Southeast Region, including North Florida, Orlando, Atlanta, Tampa, Miami, and more.

Our classes are fun and supportive and taught by professional, agency-represented artists who live in Jacksonville and work regionally (Atlanta, Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Nashville, and Knoxville) on paid bookings in film, theater, commercials, and television. Additionally, many of our instructors are multi-disciplined, meaning that besides being highly trained and skilled in their chosen craft, they have also studied music, singing, dance, improv, and more!

We’re eager to help you accomplish all your goals, whether big or small. We strive to help along every step of your artistic journey, providing you with confidence, depth, and, ultimately, success in all of your creative endeavors!


Get extra practice working on your craft and learning about other disciplines.


Regular workshops with professional actors, coaches, agents, and casting directors from New York, Los Angeles, & Atlanta.

Perform in Movies

Opportunities for paid and volunteer work to build practical experience, your resume, and your reel.


Weekly opportunities to perform and perfect what you’re learning in class.

Progress Reports

Monitor your progress online so you can focus on the areas you need to and not waste time.

Coaching Private Lessons

Get the extra advantage you need to beat the competition and get unstuck.

Trusted By Thousands of
Students & Professionals


5-Star Reviews

Katie Johnston

“Taking comedy classes here was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After four weeks I had a solid understanding of how to turn an “idea” into an actual joke ( you know, with a setup and a punchline and everything,) how to craft a set, and how to get on stage with confidence even when I was a nervous wreck. If you are on the fence at all, all I can say is DO IT!!!!! I promise you won’t regret it.”

“Best Comedian”, Folio Magazine
“Finalist Comic”, Flamingo Comedy Fest
“Featured Comic”, Portland Comedy Festival

Annette DeLorean

Annette Delorean

Enrolling in the screenwriting class was an absolute game-changer! I’ve been writing for years, but wanted to dive deeper into it to really hone my skills. The instructor’s passion and expertise created an incredibly engaging atmosphere where I not only learned the intricacies of crafting better stories but also helped me discover my own unique voice. The class seamlessly blended theory with practical exercises, providing a thorough and enjoyable learning experience that left me feeling inspired and confident in my newfound skills!

“Punk Rock Yoga Bitch, Comedy Central”, Writer/Director
“Horsehair”, Writer/Director
FLanimation Film Fest“, Founder
“Nettytoons”, Creator

Dean Mac McDonald

Dean Mac McDonald

I recently participated in the Creative Veins “Naughty or Nice” film festival. It was a great experience and very well run. The screening and awards show was a gala event and the “after” party at the Creative Veins Studio was very fun. It was my first visit to the studio and it was very impressive. I look forward to participating in future Creative Veins events and collaborating on projects with them.

“Ted Gets Laid… Off”, Producer
“Capes and Registration”, Producer
“Quaranquit”, Producer
“Scare BnB”, Executive Producer

American Bath Group

American Bath Group

We are still laughing about some of the things that happened that day. I wish I could upload videos because they are so funny. We combined two teams into one last year and this activity helped everyone to loosen up and get to know each other. We were fast friends after this session. I highly recommend it!

“Improv Team Building Customer”

Leighton Mixon

Leighton Mixon

Rebecca is the BEST! I’m so thankful for her and for the studio. So much knowledge has been given to me, and I’ve been able to learn so much about myself, while also getting to work on my craft. Rebecca is an amazing person and an incredible teacher!

“E! News The Rundown”, Host
“Not This Christmas”, Thomas
“Hopeless”, Robbie Michaels”

Yulia Pulido, Realtor

Yulia Pulido

If you’re looking for a place that offers excellent acting classes for kids, a safe learning environment, and self-taping services, I highly recommend Creative Veins. It’s been a pleasure being a part of their program, and we can’t wait to continue our journey with them.

“Parent of One of Our Rising Stars’ Students.”

Pennie Gubania

Pennie Gubania

10/10! Looking for something new to do with my husband instead of just going out to dinner I signed us up for an intro to improv class. We loved every minute of it!

“Improv Customer”

Mari Hayes, Actor

Mari Hayes

I have relied on Creative Veins for audition taping and they are off the charts…responsive, flexible, and coaching expertise. Great!!!!

“The Show Must Go Online”, Senator
“Monsters Inside Me”, Eleanor De La Cruz
“Shattered”, Property Manager
“The Hunt with John Walsh”, Circle Lady
“Fatal Attraction”, Stacy Marshall